
The Gretenfield Manor is also open to teenagers aged 8 to 14.

They can not only take advantage of certain surveys like the older ones – specially adapted to their age – but they also have, by their side in the room, one of our members to guide and coach them as well as possible in their escape room. .

But beware, here too the clock is ticking…
once the time has elapsed, it will be necessary to leave… otherwise…


🎂 🎂 🎂 Birthday formula 🎂 🎂 🎂
Why not make the fun last?
Get Out takes care of everything:

🎂 Pastry cake: for health reasons, you can bring your cake, we’ll take care of the candles! We provide sweets & drinks
📷 Souvenir photo
⌛ Privatization of the lounge (45min). Parents are allowed this time 🙂

Contact us !

0000060 x 165
The Little Pirates

The Little Pirates

1664, the bloodthirsty Cortez causes terror to reign in British waters. He also stole one of the crown jewels: the “Queenstone”.

Solve this mystery

And for the
older ones?

It's here that it happens !
00000299 x 586
The Fort
00000131 x 46
00000172 x 907
The Cale of Cortez
00000243 x 628

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